Pastoral Care

The purpose of this commission is the care, nurturing, and fellowship of our parish members and friends.  We call this process In-Reach, although parts of Pastoral Care share in the outreach of other ministries.

Pastoral Care Ministers offer a variety of ministries to St. Matthew parishioners:  

  • Animals and Spirituality: The mission:  “We will work to develop the relationship between people and their pets.  As we are all God’s children, we share God’s love and God’s environment, this world.  When we develop a loving relationship with a pet, we grow closer to God and to each other.  Pets are good company, and excellent friends.  We will explore the bond that develops with our pets.  We try to understand that they are God’s children.  We will try to help each other understand then behavior of our pets, and help us live with the loss of a friend.” – Nancy Reynolds.  Grief support and providing referrals for needed animal services are major parts of this ministry.  On October 10, 2021, the Bishop offered Blessing of the Animals at the close of our celebration of the Feast of St. Francis. 
  • Card Ministry: Barbara Miranda. Barbara sent get-well cards to parishioners in the hospital.
  • Caring Casseroles, led by The Daughters of the King, provided meals for families needing assistance during illness or medical situations.  The casseroles have been most appreciated by those in need. If you wish to help with this ministry, please call Kathy Nelson.  The Daughters of the King are always looking for additional caring casserole ministers.
  • Prayer Chain Ministry: Susan Johnston took over the position of coordinator of this ministry due to health issues Judie Bass experienced.  Those participating are Judie Bass, Adrienne Dungee, Susan Johnston, Julie Neff-Encinas, Donna Nervik, Barbara Sanchez, and Shirley Rimmell.  This important ministry is meaningful to those praying as well as those needing our prayers.
  • Shoebox Knitting and Crocheting Group.  There is a group of ladies who knit and crochet prayer shawls that are taken to the hospital or home to provide the warmth and caring from our parish and also knit/crochet hats and scarves for the shoebox ministry. Dawn Stoner is the coordinator of this ministry. Those involved are Dawn Stoner (leader), Cathy Hunt, Helga Small, Karen Hatfield, Yvonne Maynard, Robin Schumann, Shirley Bookman, Tricia Loomis, Robin Schumann and Carol Forshey.
  • St. Matthew Quilting Group. Gini Jones is the coordinator of this ministry. Cheryl Burke, Gini Jones, Ruth Galvin, and Kathy Nelson are present members of this group. This group quilts and makes available the finished products for specific outreach needs. Due to COVID, this group met only once this year.
  • Yoga Ministry.  Hatha Yoga, led by Libba Westin, meets two Tuesday afternoons a month. The class resumed in September after being closed for over a year and a half. Participants  reap the positive benefits physically, mentally and spiritually of this ancient discipline.

Contact information is available in your directory or can be received by calling the office at 298-9782 or by emailing us.